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10 Best Action Adventure

Action fiction is the literary category that consists of spy books, experience stories, stories of horror and also intrigue ( cape as well as blade ) and enigmas. This sort of tale uses suspense, the stress that is accumulated when the viewers desires to know exactly how the conflict between the lead character and antagonist is going to be settled or what the solution to the problem of a thriller is.

Fans of the Action Adventure Genre had a lot of fun this year.

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Luigi s Mansion 3

Luigi s Mansion has always had an indisputable charm and charm as a series, but with Luigi s Mansion 3, the series brought these aspects to a higher level than ever before. The use of the pole stem is basically fun, but in combination with intelligent new mechanics and optimizations, Luigis Mansion 3 can significantly improve the fight, exploration and solving riddles. It also helps to use these mechanics on constantly inventive and creative ways, with some truly excellent level designs and some of the best boss fights that we have seen all year round.

Devil can cry 5

Devil May Cry has more and more cared for action than adventure, and with Devil May Cry 5, this action was better than ever before. The game gives us control over three characters, which differ greatly from the other two through their unique mechanics, skills and fighting styles. Each combat scenario feels fresh and exciting, driven by the mechanical strengths and depths of the game, while some of the bosses are among the best that this series has ever delivered, which really says something.

A pest story: Innocence

A Plague Tale: Innocence is a last-of-us game. It is not a game with many complex systems that are constantly interacting with each other, but a game that creates complexity in its simplicity. A Plague Tale builds everything from camouflage to the fight to solve puzzles to create a unique light and shadow game, and complements this through some mechanics that are constantly being used in a new and interesting way.

Gears 5

Gears 5 would have been a perfect game, even if it had been only Gears of being - as Gears 4 was - but the coalition has made it the task to expand the scope of the series. The ability to update Jack led to a surprisingly appealing progress system that also encouraged exploration because they looked out for further upgrade components. Although the open world maps could be much better, considering how static and empty they were, it can not be denied that the simple sailing with the skiff has a lot of fun. The coalition can use Gears 5 as a star ramp to guide the series with future rates into new and exciting directions.


Astral Chain carries all marks, which usually make a platinum game, but feels remarkably different. His synergetous effect ensures a truly incredible combat system, and it feels appropriately exciting if you use your Legion and your own character together to turn off numerous opponents. Beyond the fight, Astral Chain also makes a lot of fun in other areas, with a much stronger focus on exploration and platform as in its previous work. All this is supported by the fact that the game constantly puts exciting standards to keep you on trot.

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 is the quintessence of re-experience. The exploration of the area is always associated with a noticeable feeling of tension and fear, and you are never sure what to expect at the next corner. The fight is slow and methodical and it s just about deciding whether to engage in enemies at all or not, as it is about turning off. Solving and exploring puzzles is reinforced by an incredible level design, while the invincible Mr. X in a game that is already crowded, dangerous high voltages generated. It is an exciting roller coaster ride from start to finish and Capcom really could not be able to meet this survival horror classic if you had tried it.


Remedy Entertainment has always been a master of storytelling, but with Control they have shown that they are also excellent game designers. The star of the show is of course The Oldest House, a bizarre card that the players are constantly deterring with aliens sights and noises. The exploration of this room is never boring, not only because each place looks unique and fascinating, but also because it is incredibly well designed. Fight is also an explosion and when Jesse uses his telecinetic forces and his service weapons together, it comes to some glorious, chaotic firefights. For the first time for many years it feels like a remedy game told his story just as well as fun. This is probably the reason why this is the best game you ve ever done.

Sekiro: Shadows the Twice

If a game is as great as Sekiro, it may not be an absolute explosion from start to finish. The confluence of the swords with the swords, the perfect dodge, the deadly blow against a dangerous enemy, the moment, in which a headless, cackling monkey takes up again and with one hand his separated head and with the other hand a massive sword - Sekiro Full of moments, which will be remembered for a long time after the game. It s amazing, frustrating, terrible, challenging and captivating at the same time.

Star Wars Jedi: Falling Order

Fight, exploration and platform are the three basic pillars of ResPawns Star Wars Jedi: Fall Order. Platforming is fast and fun and keeps players on trot. The fight is slow and methodical, and the combination of power forces with perfectly matched parades and beats lets you really feel like a Jedi. The exploration is exciting and rewarding, strengthened by an excellent design on Metroidvania level. In addition, soul-like corpse runs of each battle on a high use. At the same time, the game succeeds to master the difficulty of great balance. Falling Order is exactly the kind of Star Wars game, after which we long for years, and we hope that we will get more of it shortly.


Sekiro: Shadows the Twice

They expect from FROM software excellent services. In this sense, it is not surprising that Sekiro: Shadows the Twice is one of the most outstanding games we played all year round. It is surprising that it succeeds simultaneously to capture the core thicknesses of the Souls games, and yet feels like a completely different beast. It is a strenuous, exhausting journey from beginning to end, but it never feels unbearable because the swelling feeling of victory and satisfaction that you get after overcoming any obstacle is incredibly satisfying. Sekiro is supported by some of the biggest fights we have ever seen, and is usually a strong level design.


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